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Looking Back, Moving Forward: Envisioning Change

  • Pulitzer Hall, World Room, 3rd Floor 2950 Broadway New York, NY, 10027 United States (map)

In recognition of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, CSSD working group Reframing Gendered Violence co-sponsors an interactive panel exploring lessons learned from the past 40 years in the field of sexual violence, examine the current landscape, and identify key strategies for the future.

Panelists will discuss how professionals have learned about campus sexual assault, especially for professionals in a role with a high likelihood of receiving a disclosure.

Panelists include Susan Xenarios, Rodney Pepe-Souvenir, Molree Williams-Lender, and Heather Parlier.

Attendees will also engage in facilitated discussion about future directions for learning about and building on skills to respond effectively to campus sexual assault.
Lunch will be provided.

To attend, click here to register online by April 20.

This event is presented by Columbia Health. Additional Support provided by Columbia University, Columbia University Public Safety, and the Center for the Study of Social Difference.

Looking Back, Moving Forward panel April 23, 2018-page-001.jpg
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