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Should You Be Worried about Racialization of Precision Medicine? Insights from Asia and North America

  • 754 Schermerhorn Extension 1200 Amsterdam Avenue New York, NY, 10027 United States (map)

The Precision Medicine: Ethics, Politics, and Culture Project welcomes Dr. Shirley Sun (Nanyang Technological University) to give a talk on “Should You Be Worried about Racialization of Precision Medicine? Insights from Asia and North America”, on Wednesday, December 4th, 5pm-7pm, in the Seminar Room (IRWGS), 754 Schermerhorn Ext, 1200 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY 10027.

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The event is free and open to the public and co-sponsored by Center for the Study of Social Difference; Columbia University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences | Division of Humanities; Columbia University Medical Center; and Precision Medicine and Society.

The Precision Medicine: Ethics, Politics, and Culture Project is co-directed by Maya Sabatello, LLB, PhD, Assistant Professor of Clinical Bioethics; and Gil Eyal, PhD, Professor of Sociology. This talk is a part of the PMEPC lecture series, which represents a broad-based exploration of questions that precision medicine raises in law, ethics, the social sciences, economics, and the humanities.

Columbia University is committed to creating an environment that includes and welcomes people with disabilities. If you need accommodations because of a disability, please email Daniel Wojtkiewicz, at, at least two weeks in advance.

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