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Indigenous Peoples of the Americas and the Covid-19 Pandemic

In honor of the first Indigenous Peoples Day 2020 commemoration at Columbia University on 12 October 2020.

You are invited to a webinar/zoom event at 7 pm on "Indigenous Peoples of the Americas and the Covid-19 Pandemic"


  • Sachem HawkStorm, welcome from the Lenape People

  • Lisa Bellanger (Anishnabe), International Indian Treaty Council, Board of Directors

  • Dr. Myrna Cunningham (Miskita),President , Fondo para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas de América Latina y el Caribe

  • Victor Lopez Carmen, (Crow Creek Sioux Tribe and Yaqui), Co-Chair Global Indigenous Youth Caucus

  • Tarcila Rivera Zea (Quechua), President, International Indigenous Women’s Forum, Vice-President, Chirapaq

  • Sara Nawashahu Yawanawá- Bergin (Yawanawa), Chief of Shukuvena Village

  • Janene Yazzie, (Diné (Navajo)), Dzit Asdáán (Strong Women) Command Center for Covid Relief

Organized by The University Seminar on Indigenous Studies, The University Seminar on Latin America and the Institute for the Study of Human Rights and cosponsored by Native American Council, Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race, Center for the Study of Social Difference, Mailman School of Public Health, Institute of Latin American Studies, at Columbia University, and Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Native Studies Forum and The Latinx Project at New York University.

For Zoom login information, please register here

Co-sponsored by the Center for the Study of Social Difference Environmental Justice, Belief Systems, and Aesthetic Experiences in Latin America and the Caribbean working group.

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