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Rethinking Nature and Society Conference | Session 1

This conference brings together experts in the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities from Columbia and outside institutions to participate in a highly interdisciplinary discussion of nature and society in Latin America. Engaging varied disciplinary and national perspectives, the conference takes a regional approach to land and natural resource use policies and politics on the premise that there are important social, economic, political, human rights and environmental interlinkages between different countries in the region that can provide the foundation for productively rethinking nature in Latin America.

The conference will take place in 5 sessions. The fifth session will culminate with a keynote address. The event program can be found here. 

The sessions will take place during the following dates: 

  • Session 1: Friday, April 9th | 1:00pm - 3:00pm

  • Session 2: Friday, April 16th | 1:00pm - 3:00pm

  • Session 3: Friday, April 23rd | 1:00pm-2:30pm

  • Session 4: Friday, May 7th | 1:00pm-2:30pm

  • Session 5 & Keynote: Friday, May 14th | 1:00pm - 3:00pm


About Session 1

Session 1 of the conference will have two panels. 

  • Panel 1: 1-2 pm – Transforming Natures

    • Ben Orlove, Columbia, Climate School

    • Maria Uriarte, Columbia, E3B

      • Reversals of reforestation across Latin America limit climate mitigation potential of tropical forests

    • Walter Baethgen, Columbia, Earth Institute/IRI

      • Rethinking sustainable food production systems in Latin America

    • Miguel Pinedo Vazquez, Columbia, Earth Institute/IRI

      • The influence of cities on fishing for household consumption and income in Amazonia

  • Panel 2: 2-3 pm – Livelihoods and Access

    • Denise Milstein, Columbia, Sociology

    • Alicia Cooperman, Texas A&M University, Political Science

      • Community Organizing Around Water Governance and Access in Rural Brazil

    • Marcos Mendoza, University of Mississippi, Anthropology

      • Green Distributive Politics and the Narco-Environment in Mexico

    • Gustavo Azenha, Columbia, ILAS

      • A Political Ecology of Brazil’s “Discovery Coast”: Crisis, Socioenvironmental Hybridization, and Historical Amnesia in the Frontiers of Global Liberalism

The event will be available via the ILAS Youtube Channel Live. It can be found here. 

Contact Information


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