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Keywords: Justice

  • Butler Library 203, Columbia University (map)

The Center for the Study of Social Difference and the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Council are co-hosting a spring 2017 Keywords Roundtable Discussion on the keyword “justice”  on Thursday, March 23, 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. in Butler Library 203.

The emphasis in the Keyword Conversations is, indeed, on conversation, so we ask each participant to prepare only about ten minutes of critical reflections, which are followed by dialogue among participants and audience members.


Che Gossett

Community Archivist and Student Coordinator, Barnard College

Mark Hatzenbuehler

Associate Professor of Sociomedical Sciences and Co­Director, Center for the Study of Social Inequalities and Health, Mailman School of Public Health

Kathryn Kolbert

Constance Hess Williams Director of the Athena Center for Leadership, Barnard College

Carla Shedd

Assistant Professor of Sociology, Columbia University

Jennifer Wenzel

Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature and

Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies, Columbia University

Rachel Adams

Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University and Director, Center for the Study of Social Difference

Inaugurated in 2010, Keywords: Interdisciplinary Roundtable Conversations was inspired by the innovative interdisciplinary scholarship promoted by the Center for the Study of Social Difference.  Currently a collaborative effort of CSSD and the WGSS Council, the Keywords series draws participants together from a wide range of disciplinary homes in order to explore the various ways we think about fundamental critical/theoretical ideas and to generate new vocabularies and new methodologies.

The Center for the Study of Social Difference is committed to creating an environment that includes and welcomes colleagues, students, and guests with disabilities. If you require disability accommodations, please contact at least one week in advance of the event.   If you have further questions about campus accessibility, please contact Disability Services at (212) 854-2388.

Please go to to learn more about CSSD. Visit for information about the Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Council.

March 9

Precision Medicine, Embodiment, Self and Disability

March 30

Refugees and Gender Violence: Media and the Arts