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The Caribbean Digital II: Histories, Cartographies, Narratives

  • Maison Francaise, Columbia University (map)
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Over the course of this afternoon of multiform panel presentations, we will engage critically with the digital as praxis, reflecting on the challenges and opportunities presented by the media technologies that evermore intensely reconfigure the social, historical, and geo-political contours of the Caribbean and its diasporas. Presenters will consider the affordances and limitations of the digital with respect to their particular methodologies – notably, representing the past, historicizing space, and telling stories. Discussions will pick up themes addressed in our 2014 inaugural event as well as anticipate the launch of sx:archipelagos, a peer-reviewed Small Axe Project publishing platform dedicated to scholarship of and emerging from the Caribbean – set to go live in 2016.


The conference is open to the public.


Maison Francaise – Columbia University

1PM  Welcome

Kaiama L. Glover, Barnard College

1:15PM Opening Remarks

David Scott, Columbia University

1:30-3:00PM Panel I – Histories

Vincent Brown, Harvard University – Two Plantations: Enslaved Families in Virginia & Jamaica

Laurent Dubois & Mary Caton Lingold, Duke University – Musical Passage: A Voyage to 1688 Jamaica

Jennifer Morgan, New York University – Discussant

3:00-3:15PM BREAK

3:15-4:15PM Panel II – Cartographies

Kaiama L. Glover, Barnard College & Alex Gil, Columbia University – In the Same Boats: Toward an Afro-Atlantic Intellectual Cartography

Ian Baucom, University of Virginia – Discussant

4:15-4:30PM BREAK

4:30-6:00PM Panel III – Narratives

Robert Antoni – As Flies to Whatless Boys

Oonya Kempadoo – Naniki

Kelly Baker Josephs, York College, CUNY – Discussant


Sponsors: Small Axe, Barnard's Department of Africana Studies and Forum on Migration; Columbia's Center for the Study of Social Difference, Maison Francaise, Digital Humanities Center, Institute for Research in African American Studies, and Greater Caribbean Studies Center.  

Columbia University and Barnard College are committed to creating an environment that includes and welcomes people with disabilities.  This event will include sign language interpreters.  If you need further accommodations because of a disability, please email at least one week in advance.

Recording of sessions 1 & 2 available here

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