The Center for the Study of Social Difference and the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Council are co-hosting a spring 2016 Keywords Roundtable Discussion on t
A symposium to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, The Future of Disability Studies project, and the publication of Keywords for Disability Studies.
"Collaborative Archives: Connective Histories," part of the CSSD working group Women Mobilizing Memory's Collaboration and Co-Resistance project, runs at Neiman Gallery until September 18th, 2015.
The exhibition was curated by Katherine Cohn and Isin Onol and is the manifestation of multi-year collaboration of a transnational group of artists, scholars and activists from the U.S., Chile and Turkey who study the politics of memory from the unique perspective of gender and social difference.
The gallery is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. View the exhibit page here.
In the context of its fourth international working group meeting, Women Mobilizing Memory presents an art exhibition
"Women Mobilizing Memory," a three-year working group of Columbia’s Center for the Study of Social Difference, explores the politics of memory in the aftermath of the atrocities of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in comparative global perspective with unique attention to the effects of social difference. Focusing on the shaping role of gender in the structures of political violence, the working group analyzes the strategies by which women artists, scholars and activists have succeeded in mobilizing the memory of gender-based violence to promote redress, social justice, and a democratic future. Looking at gendered memory politics in several sites around the world, the group has analyzed these in a broader connective context. From the fortieth anniversary of the Chilean coup, the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide, and cycles of violence against indigenous and minority peoples in Chile, Turkey and the United States, it has featured activist and future-oriented modes of representation and commemoration. At the same time, it probes the limits of comparative and connective approaches to memory politics. Based in the Humanities and the Arts, the group looks closely at the political efficacy of various media of memory, ranging from visual art, literature, journalism and performance to museums, memorials, and street actions. What role do these various media play in combatting the erasure of past violence from current memory and in creating new visions and new histories for future generations? The collaborations among the participants in the working group, their face-to-face as well as virtual meetings and their constructive conversations and disagreements, aim to create a space of solidarity and co-resistance that can lay the groundwork for a more hopeful future.