Sahar Sadjadi

Sexuality, Women's and Gender Studies, Amherst College


Sahar Sadjadi is a physician, anthropologist and assistant professor of Sexuality, Women’s and Gender studies at Amherst College. She is currently completing a book based on an ethnographic multi-sited study of the clinical practices around gender non-conforming children in the US and the revision of the psychiatric category, Gender Identity Disorder in Children. 

She studied medicine at Tehran University of Medical Sciences and received her PhD in medical anthropology at Columbia University. She conducted an ethnographic multi-sited study of the clinical practices around gender non-conforming children and the revision of the psychiatric category, Gender Identity Disorder in Children. Her research has been funded by the Wenner-Gren Foundation and National Science Foundation. During the 2012-13 academic year, Dr. Sadjadi was a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at the Committee for Interdisciplinary Science Studies, The Graduate Center, City University of New York. She joined Amherst College faculty in 2013 for the position of Gender, Science and Technology. She is currently writing about the medical interventions that suppress or delay puberty in children.

Working Group Affiliation

Science and Social Difference


Leticia Sabsay


Daniel S. Sáenz