Graciela Montaldo

Graciela Montaldo


Professor at the Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures, Columbia University. She specializes in modern Latin American Culture with a focus on contemporary cultural practices. She is co-editor of The Argentina Reader: History, Culture, and Politics (2002).

She has published Museo del Consumo (2016, Museum of Consumerism, 2020), Rubén Darío. Viajes de un cosmopolita extremo (2013), Zonas Ciegas. Populismos y experimentos culturales en Argentina (2010), A propriedade da Cultura (2004), Teoría crítica, Teoría cultural (2001), Ficciones culturales y fábulas de identidad en América Latina (1999), La sensibilidad amenazada (1995), De pronto el campo (1993). She is also co-editor of Esplendores y miserias del siglo XIX (1996) and Yrigoyen entre Borges y Arlt (1989, 2006). She regularly publishes articles on modern culture, contemporary literature, culture industry and institutions. Her current research explores the culture of “the clandestine/underground” as a political tool in modern Latin America. 

Working Group Affiliation

Geographies of Injustice: Gender and the City