Abosede George

Abosede George is the Tow Associate Professor of History at Barnard College  and Columbia University in New York. She teaches courses in urban history, the history of childhood and youth in Africa, and the study of women, gender, and sexuality in African History. Her book, Making Modern Girls: A History of Girlhood, Labor, and Social Development was published in 2014 by Ohio University Press and received the Aidoo-Snyder Book Prize in 2015 from the Women's Caucus of the African Studies Association, as well as Honorable Mention from the New York African Studies Association. She is currently at work on The Ekopolitan Project, a digital forum dedicated to historical research on migrant communities in nineteenth- and twentieth century Lagos, West Africa.

Working Group: (formerly) Refugee Cities and Insurgent Domesticities


Ana M. Ochoa Gautier


Nicole Gervasio