Aditi Surie von Czechowski

Aditi Surie von Czechowski

Junior Research Fellow, Churchill College


Aditi Surie Von Czechowski is Junior Research Fellow at Churchill College, Cambridge. She received her PhD from the Department of Middle East, South Asian, and African Studies at Columbia University. Her work focuses on the intersection of the anthropology of development and humanitarianism, human rights, and black feminist theory.  From 2013-15, she conducted research on humanitarian aid and gender-based violence in Tanzania. Her article “Humanitarianism: Histories, Erasures, Repetitions” was published in the Journal of Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East and her article “Together in the Flesh” (2019) appeared in Cultural Anthropology’s forum “Theorizing the Contemporary Fieldsights.”  She is the author of “Commoditising Architecture” in Johannesburg Workshop in Theory and Criticism (2013), among other earlier articles and she is currently working on a book entitled “Being Human”: Humanitarian Confinement, Refugee Bodies, and Human Rights.

Working Group Affiliation

Religion and the Global Reframing of Gender Violence




Emmanuel Von Schack