Anooradha Iyer Siddiqi

Assistant Professor, Architecture, Barnard College


Anooradha Iyer Siddiqi is an Assistant Professor of Architecture at Barnard College, Columbia University, and co-editor of “Feminist Architectural Histories of Migration” (2020) and Spatial Violence (2016). Her book manuscript Architecture of Migration: The Dadaab Refugee Camps and Humanitarian Settlement analyzes the history, visual rhetoric, and spatial politics of the Dadaab refugee camps in Northeastern Kenya. It moves beyond ahistorical representations of camps and their inhabitants to find long migratory and colonial traditions in the architecture and iconography of refugees and humanitarians, particularly those engaged in homemaking. Her book manuscript Minnette de Silva and a Modern Architecture of the Past engages the intellectual and heritage work of a singular figure in the history of Ceylon/Sri Lanka and one of the first women in the world to establish a professional architecture practice, responsible for house and housing designs in the new nation, and thinking and teaching on domesticity during the civil war.

Working Group Affiliation

Insurgent Domesticities, Co-Director

Edited Books

Spatial Violence Co-Edited with Andrew Herscher. Routledge, 2016


Jeremy Shropshire


Dina M. Siddiqi