Corinne Kentor

Corinne Kentor

Phd Candidate, Anthropology & Education, Teachers College, Columbia University

Corinne Kentor

Corinne Kentor is a Ph.D student in Anthropology & Education at Teachers College, Columbia University. Her research focuses on the intersection of immigration and higher education policy. Her dissertation explores the educational experiences of older and younger siblings in mixed status families, with a specific focus on the institutional policies that shape their respective trajectories after high school. Corinne graduated with honors from Yale University, where she earned a B.A. in English and a certificate in Education Studies. In 2018, she was named a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow. That same year, she joined the research and evaluation staff at the City University of New York Office of Research, Evaluation & Program Support.

Working Group Affiliation

Migrant Personhood and Rights: Crises of Recognition, Graduate Coordinator