Els Lagrou
Els Lagrou
Professor of Anthropology, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Researcher, the National Center of Research
Els Lagrou is a Professor of social and cultural anthropology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Graduate Program of Sociology and Anthropology) and Researcher of the National Center of Research (CNPq). Her research interests include Amerindian Ethnology, its ontological, social and aesthetic regimes, as well as the Anthropology of expressive and agentive forms. She is the author of A fluidez da forma: arte, alteridade e agência em uma sociedade amazônica (The fluidity of form: art, alterity and agency in an Amazonian society) (Topbooks, 2007), Artes indígenas no Brasil (Indigenous arts in Brazil) (ComArte, 2009) and of the Catalogue of a show she curated at the National Museum of the Brazilian Indian No caminho da miçanga, um mundo que se faz de contas (On the bath of glass beads, o world made of beads (UNESCO/FUNAI, 2016); with Carlo Severi she edited Quimeras em diálogo, grafismo e figuração nas artes ameríndias (chimeras in dialogue: grafism and figuration in Amerindian arts) (7Letras, 2014). Lagrou obtained her BA and Master in History from the Catholic University of Leuven, her MA in Social Anthropology from the Federal University of Santa Catarina and her PhD from the University of St. Andrews and the University of São Paulo. Lagrou thought at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, and offered courses as invited professor at The Complutense of Madrid, University of Córdoba, University of México, École Pratique des Hautes Études. She was a Sutusoma Fund, CNPq, Capes and Faperj scholar, and a visiting fellow at the University of Leuven, École des Hautes Études, Musée du quai Branly and the University of Columbia.
She is member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Sociologia e Antropologia (PPGSA, UFRJ), international correspondent of Gradhiva, Revue d’Anthropologie et d’Histoire des arts (Musée du quai Branly). She was member of the ‘Comité de Gestion Scientifique du GDRI (Groupement de Recherche International), ‘Anthropologie et Histoire des arts’, du Musée Quai Branly/CNRS/Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale – Collège de France (2006-2013); Has cooordinated the Project “Constructing Cultures, Documenting traditions”, (PRODOCULT) in collaboration with the National Museum of the (Brazilian) Indian (Museo do Índio, FUNAI/UNESCO, 2006-2015), as well as the Project “On the path of beads”, a documentation Project of uses and meanings of beads among Brazilian Indigenous people in collaboration with the National Museum of the (Brazilian) Indian (RJ)/UNESCO/UFRJ (2009-2015); Coordinates the “Research group on arts, images and ethnological research” (NAIPE, UFRJ, since 2002); Coordinates the “Amerindian Seminars” at the PPGSA, IFCS (2002-2017) and the SMARTIE seminar on expressive and agentive forms (PPGSA, UFRJ).
Working Group Affiliation
Environmental Justice, Belief Systems, and Aesthetic Experiences in Latin America and the Caribbean