Hülya Adak
Hülya Adak
Hülya Adak is an Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature at Sabancı University. She has published essays on Ottoman-Turkish memoirs and biographies, national myths, gender and sexuality, and the Armenian deportations during World War I in leading journals such as the South Atlantic Quarterly, PMLA, Biography, and New Perspectives on Turkey. Her most notable publications include “National Myths and Self-Na(rra)tions: Mustafa Kemal’s Nutuk and Halide Edib’s Memoirs and The Turkish Ordeal” and “Exiles at Home: Questions for Turkish and Global Literary Studies.” She is the co-author of so ist das, meine schöne… (Orlanda Verlag), a feminist book with monologues based on interviews exploring women’s sexuality, and the co-editor of the forthcoming anthology Modern Turkish Cultural History through Auto/biographies (Unions Verlag). She is currently writing a book on archival memory of World War I and collective mourning in Ottoman-Turkish autobiographical narratives and literature.
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