Islah Jad

Islah Jad

Lecturer on gender issues and politics, International Affairs Department, Qatar University

Islah Jad is a lecturer on gender issues and politics, International Affairs Department, Qatar University. She is the former director of the Women's Studies Institute at Birzeit University.  

As Director of the Institute of Women's Studies, which she founded and chaired during from 1995 to 1996, she participated in the award of excellence in education within a special program to develop educational cadres in the Palestinian universities, organized by AMDEAST, within the context of the Palestinian development program that aims to increase the capacity of higher education in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Dr. Jad got her bachelor's degree in political science from Cairo University, and earned a master's degree from the University of Nanteve Paris X in the field of political theory, and got her Ph.D. degree from the University of London, Faculty of Asian and African Studies in Development and Women Studies.

She started her academic work in 1984 at Birzeit University, as a faculty member in the Department of Political Science and then moved to teach at the Department of Cultural Studies. At a later stage, she became a lecturer for master students at the Institute of Women's Studies.


Jessica Jacolbe


Janet R. Jakobsen