Julie Passanante Elman
Julie Passanante Elman
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Social and Cultural Analysis, NYU
Julie Passanante Elman is a Visiting Assistant Professor in New York University's Program in Gender and Sexuality Studies within the interdisciplinary Department of Social and Cultural Analysis. While at NYU, Elman has developed the university's first-ever undergraduate course in disability studies and served as a member of the NYU Council for the Study of Disability. Elman received her Ph.D. in American Studies from The George Washington University in 2009. Her research focuses broadly on 20th century media and cultural history, American literature, queer theory and disability studies. Elman's current book project, Troubling Teen: Disability, Sexuality, and the Rehabilitation of American Youth is a cultural history of the "developing teenager" that reveals the centrality of rehabilitation in the establishment of American norms of self-regulating citizenship, embodiment, sexuality, and emotional maturity in the late 20th century. Her work has appeared in Television & New Media and is forthcoming in The Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies and the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry. For additional information about her research and teaching, see www.juliepelman.com and her course blog Cripping the City, a forum for her students' work about accessibility issues in New York City.