Macarena Gómez-Barris

Macarena Gómez-Barris

Director of the Global South Center and Chairperson of the Department of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies at Pratt Institute

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Macarena Gómez-Barris is author of Where Memory Dwells: Culture and State Violence in Chile (UC Press 2010), The Extractive Zone: Social Ecologies and Decolonial Perspectives (Duke University Press 2017), and Beyond the Pink Tide: Artistic and Political Undercurrents in the Americas (UC Press 2018). She is co-editor with Herman Gray of Towards A Sociology of a Trace (University of Minnesota Press 2010) and co-editor with Licia Fiol-Matta of Las Américas Quarterly, a special issue of American Quarterly (Fall 2014). Her new book project is At the Sea’s Edge: On Coloniality and the Oceanic. Her essays have appeared in AntipodeSocial Text, GLQ, Journal of Cinema and Media Studies as well as numerous other venues and art catalogues. She has been a Visiting Professor at New York University and a Fulbright Scholar and Visiting Professor at FLACSO-Quito. She publishes on decolonial social movements, space and memory, violence and its afterlives, queer and anarchist artistic practices, and submerged perspectives. She is founder and Director of the Global South Center, a transdisciplinary space for experimental research, artistic, and activist praxis, and Chairperson of the Department of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies at Pratt Institute.

Working Group Affiliation

Queer Aqui, Project Director


Sandra Aguilar Gomez


Marianne González Le Saux