Michael Ralph

Michael Ralph

Assistant Professor, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Metropolitan Studies, NYU

Assistant Professor, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Metropolitan Studies; Assistant Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis , Africana Studies , American Studies ; Director, Metropolitan Studies Ph.D. 2007 (Anthropology), University of Chicago; M.A. 2002 (Anthropology), University of Chicago; B.A. 2000 (Africana Studies) Morris Brown College.

Areas of Research/Interest: Citizenship, Sovereignty, Risk, Liability, Urban Youth Culture, Diaspora, Postcolonialism

Select Publications: Manuscripts Forensics of Capital: Risk and Liability, Citizenship and Sovereignty, in Senegal (Forthcoming).

Benjamin Eastman, Michael Ralph, and Sean Brown, eds. 2008. America’s Game(s): A Critical Anthropology of Sport. London: Routledge.

Articles: Michael Ralph, ed. 2011. 'The Security of Justice.' Introduction to "Law & Order, Crime & Capital in the 19th-21st century U.S." Special issue of Souls.

Michael Ralph. 2009. 'Barack Obama is (not) who you think he is.' The Sixties: A Journal of History, Politics, and Culture. 2(2): 76-77.

Michael Ralph. 2009. ‘Commodity.’ Social Text 100 27(3): 78-84.

Michael Ralph. 2009. ‘Diaspora.’ Social Text 100 27(3): 94-101.

Michael Ralph. 2009. ‘Hip hop.’ Social Text 100 27(3): 141-146.

Michael Ralph. 2009. 'Barack Obama is (not) who you think he is.' The Sixties: A Journal of History, Politics, and Culture. 2(2): 76-77.

Michael Ralph. 2009. “Thief’s Theme.” South Atlantic Quarterly 108(8): 541-562.

Michael Ralph. 2009. “‘It’s hard out here for a pimp…with…a whole lot of bitches jumpin’ ship’: Navigating black politics in the wake of Katrina.” Public Culture 21(2): 341-374.

Michael Ralph. 2008. “Killing time.” Social Text 26(4): 1-29.

Michael Ralph. 2007. ‘“Crimes of History”: Senegalese Soccer and the Forensics of Slavery.’ Souls 9(3): 193-222.

Michael Ralph. 2007. ‘Prototype: In Search of the Perfect Senegalese Basketball Physique.’ The International Journal of the History of Sport 24(2): 311-316.

Michael Ralph. 2007. ‘Epilogue: It was all a dream.’ The International Journal of the History of Sport 24(2): 238-263.

Michael Ralph. 2006. ‘“Flirt[ing] with death but “still alive”: The sexual dimensions of surplus time in hip hop fantasy.’ Cultural Dynamics 18(1): 61-88.

Michael Ralph. 2006. ‘“Le Sénégal qui Gagne”: Soccer and the Stakes of Neoliberalism in a Postcolonial Port.’ Soccer and Society 7(2-3): 300-317.

Michael Ralph. 2005. ‘Oppressive Impressions, Architectural Expressions: The poetics of French colonial (ad)vantage, regarding Africa.’ In African Urban Spaces in Historical Perspective. Steve Salm and Toyin Falola, eds. Univ. of Rochester Press, pp. 22-48.

Michael Ralph. 2005. Review of Wilson J. Moses’ Afrotopia, Transforming Anthropology 13(2): 166-68.


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