S.E Eisterer

Assistant Professor, Architectural History and Theory, University of Pennsylvania.

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S.E Eisterer is an Assistant Professor of Architectural History and Theory at the University of Pennsylvania. Currently, she is working on two forthcoming book projects. Her book manuscript Housing Cooperative: Politics and Architecture in Vienna, 1904-1954 elucidates the role of cooperatives in shaping architectural debates in the first half of the twentieth century. The history and translation project Memories from Resistance: Women, War, and the Forgotten Work of Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky, 1938-1989 illuminates the Austrian architect’s participation in the Communist resistance against the Nazi regime. Her scholarly work centers on modern architecture and urban culture in Austria, Germany, and the United States, with a focus on the history of social movements, environmental history, women’s and gender studies, and queer theory.

Working Group Affiliation

Insurgent Domesticites, Co-Director


Nadja Eisenberg-Guyot


Bikem Ekberzade