Corinna Mullin
Fellow, International Relations, University of Tunis
Corinna Mullin is a Part-Time Faculty member at the New School and John Jay College, and was a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Tunis for five years. Her book manuscript, Tunisia and imperial security architectures: Race, class, empire and the (re)making of a global south security state, illuminates intersections between security, imperialism, and racial capitalism through insights from international relations and political economy, American Studies, and critical race, law, and decolonial theory.
Corinna Mullin
Part-Time Faculty Member, The New School and John Jay College. Assistant Professor, University of Tunis
Corinna Mullin is a Part-Time Faculty member at the New School and John Jay College, and was a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Tunis for five years. Her book manuscript, Tunisia and imperial security architectures: Race, class, empire and the (re)making of a global south security state, illuminates intersections between security, imperialism, and racial capitalism through insights from international relations and political economy, American Studies, and critical race, law, and decolonial theory. Her research examines imperialism and militarization in Africa through analysis of securitization, labor economies, value extraction, and wealth drain, as well as decolonizing struggles of the Tunisian university, raising questions of power, knowledge production, and epistemic de-linking.
Working Group Affiliation