Co-Director of the Gender & the Global Slum Working Group Has Been Named University Professor

Congratulations to Saidiya Hartman, former co-director of the Gender & the Global Slum and Engendering the Archive working groups, who has been named University Professor, Columbia’s highest academic honor.  President Bollinger, announcing her new title, wrote: "She brings a painstaking and unrelenting focus to retrieving and telling the lost stories of the dispossessed. Deploying the singularly powerful tool of her own invention - 'critical fabulation' - Saidiya weaves together a semi-nonfictional narrative from bits and shreds of historical data in order to give voice to those whose place in history has all too often been unfairly set aside." 

Professor Hartman has previously been the winner of a MacArthur "Genius" Grant and has been a Fulbright, Rockefeller, Whitney Oates, and University of California President's Fellow.  Her most recent book, Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments: Intimate Histories of Social Upheaval, was awarded a National Book Critics Circle Award for Criticism.


Engendering the Archive Fellow Has Won the British Academy’s Nayef Al-Rodhan Prize


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