CSSD Member Joins Over 100 University Professors in Criticizing "Principles of Solidarity. A Statement" Signed by Jürgen Habermas and Others

Extractive Media working group member and Professor in the Department of Anthropology at Columbia, Rosalind C. Morris, joined over a hundred university faculty from around the world in criticizing and condemning the November 13 statement on the Israel-Gaza War published on the website of the Normative Orders research center at Goethe-Universität Frankfurt. Nicole Deitelhoff, Rainer Forst, Klaus Günther and Jürgen Habermas are among the signatories of the original statement.

For more on this story, read here.


Afro-Nordic Feminisms WG Members Contribute to Special Issue of Kvinder, Køn og Forskning


Professor Zeynep Çelik Alexander to Delivery Lecture at e-flux Tonight Entitled "Paper Beats Rock: The Imperial Institute's Media"