Recovery WG Co-Director Elizabeth Bernstein Publishes Article in Public Books

Recovery working group co-director, Elizabeth Bernstein, published an article in Public Books, titled “Heal Thyself?” The article explores Professor Bernstein’s personal experience with a life-changing illness that began in 2014, describing the challenges faced during the diagnostic process and subsequent journey through various symptoms. The article also explores first-person accounts of those with similar illnesses as well as books reviews of works by Meghan O’Rourke and Ed Cohen.

The article suggests the need for a broader consideration of social transformations to better support relations of care and explores potential models of medicine driven by community control rather than profit.

To read the full article, follow the link here.


Refugee Cities WG Member Achilles Kallergis Participated as a Speaker at Penn State's “(Dis)Place: From Tent Camps to the Future of Urbanism – The Architecture of Migration"


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