Seeds of Diaspora WG to Host Film Screening of Naeem Mohaiemen's "Jole Dobe Na" in February

The Seeds of Diaspora Working Group is excited to announce that their February meeting, a screening of Working Group member Naeem Mohaiemen's film Jole Dobe Na, is open to attendance by all CSSD affiliates!

The screening is scheduled to take place on Friday 2/23, from 3.30 - 6 pm, in the Lifetime Screening Room (5th floor, Dodge Hall). Naeem will be in attendance for a discussion of the film after the screening, which will focus on its portrayal of plant life and feeling.

A description of the film is below:

Jole Dobe Na (Those Who Do Not Drown), 64 min, 2020
In an empty hospital in Kolkata, a man confronts protocols of blood samples, a subtly discriminatory office, regulations against bribery, and an abandoned operating theater. There are no doctors, signs of life, or residue of death. His mind is on a loop of the last weeks of his wife’s life, when a quiet argument developed between them. When is the end of medical care, whose life is it anyway? If what use is a science that can detect plant emotions, invent fingerprint technology, but fail to give dignity to the end of life.


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