Tess Skadegård Thorsen from Afro-Nordic Feminisms WG Co-Authored a Chapter in the New Book: (Farve)blinde vinkler – om racialisering, ulighed og andetgørelse i pædagogisk praksis
Tess Skadegård Thorsen also co-authored a chapter in Danish with Mira C. Skadegård in the new book (Farve)blinde vinkler – om racialisering, ulighed og andetgørelse i pædagogisk praksis. (Colour)Blind angles - on racialization, inequity, and othering in pedagogical practices. Their chapter is called Velmenende og almendannende – Diskrimination, racisme og den gode intention i gymnasieundervisning. (Well-meaning and educational - Discrimination, racism, and good intentions in high-school education.)