Check out this recent list of co-authored articles by our co-director Inga Winkler

Olson, Mary M., Nay Alhelou, Purvaja S. Kavattur, Lillian Rountree, and Inga T. Winkler. "The persistent power of stigma: A critical review of policy initiatives to break the menstrual silence and advance menstrual literacy." PLOS Global Public Health 2, no. 7 (2022): e0000070.

Alhelou, Nay, Purvaja S. Kavattur, Lillian Rountree, and Inga T. Winkler. "‘We like things tangible: ’A critical analysis of menstrual hygiene and health policy-making in India, Kenya, Senegal and the United States." Global Public Health 17, no. 11 (2022): 2690-2703.

Alhelou, Nay, Purvaja S. Kavattur, Mary M. Olson, Lillian Rountree, and Inga T. Winkler. "Menstruation, Myopia, and Marginalization: Advancing Menstrual Policies to" Keep Girls in School" at the Risk of Exacerbating Inequalities." Health & Human Rights: An International Journal 24, no. 2 (2022).

Pichon, Adrienne, Kasey B. Jackman, Inga T. Winkler, Chris Bobel, and Noémie Elhadad. "The messiness of the menstruator: assessing personas and functionalities of menstrual tracking apps." Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 29, no. 2 (2022): 385-399.

Maharaj, Trisha, and Inga T. Winkler. "‘You don’t just do it because someone else said so’: Menstrual practices and women’s agency in the Hindu diaspora of Trinidad." Culture, Health & Sexuality 24, no. 6 (2022): 827-841.

Hennegan, Julie, Inga T. Winkler, Chris Bobel, Danielle Keiser, Janie Hampton, Gerda Larsson, Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli, Marina Plesons, and Thérèse Mahon. "Menstrual health: a definition for policy, practice, and research." Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters 29, no. 1 (2021): 31-38.

Winkler, Inga T. "Menstruation and Human Rights: Can We Move beyond Instrumentalization, Tokenism and Reductionism?." Colum. J. Gender & L. 41 (2021): 244.

Winkler, Inga T., and Chris Bobel. "" Bizarre" and" Backward": Saviorism and Modernity in Representations of Menstrual Beliefs and Practices in the Popular Media." Feminist Formations 33, no. 2 (2021): 313-339.


Culture and Medicine: Critical Readings in the Health and Medical Humanities


Wild Things: The Disorder of Desire